About Us

Welcome to Awesome Artifacts!

The following pages which you will be viewing are basically a lifetime of my love for collecting signatures. I have been collecting signatures directly from athletes and celebrities for more than 40 years now. As a child I was lucky enough to have grandparents and parents who would take me to Cooperstown New York for the induction Ceremonies for the Baseball Hall of Fame spring training in Florida and Arizona so needless to say I got a very quick head start on amassing an incredible collection of autographs this only continued throughout the rest of my life.

As a young adult growing up in the greater Los Angeles area there was literally multiple autograph opportunities daily and quickly expanded this area to include San Diego, San Francisco, and Las Vegas and eventually throughout The USA and Internationally.

Although I will never lose the love for obtaining signatures and meeting famous people my life has changed as far as the space which I have to display all of my Awesome Artifacts in other words I have downsized and I felt as though it would be much better for the public to enjoy these items then for them to collect dust in my storage facility. Accordingly, I have priced my items at a very reasonable price point because I have so much inventory and as I mentioned I do not want to see them just sitting around collecting dust.

With each signature that I sell there is a story and a certification of its authenticity I provide the following information exact date and location where the item which you will purchase was signed and I can offer a 100% guarantee of authenticity since I witnessed the signatures which I am selling being signed by the celebrities I can always stand behind their authenticity many people claim to be experts but we all have opinions the difference being as I've explained here you will receive concrete factual information of when and where I met the celebrity and often times we include a photo of the celebrity signing with the item when it all possible Thank you for your interest in Awesome Artifacts and please feel free to contact me via email regarding any questions you might have.